A shitty situation…literally!

Ok…this is new territory for me! I’ve heard of this happening but it’s the first time I’m now experiencing it…and I need all the advice and ideas you can throw at me!

So I’m calling all boy moms to know what you do to get your little boys to peepee IN the toilet and not everywhere but…so that’s the first problem but let me get to the actual ‘shituation!!’

Let me paint the picture for you real quick… my little boy of 3 and a half years old has eventually agreed to give up his beloved potty and use the toilet! At first he was doing really great and I was well impressed with him standing at the toilet like a big boy!! What a proud mama moment!

But then… he insisted on sitting on the toilet when he peepees. Ok, fine whatever he feels comfortable with…until I walk into the toilet one day and there’s literally pee dripping from his face!!! Yes! His face!!

This happened not once, but twice in the space of a couple of hours and not only was his face wet, but so were his hands, feet, the step he uses to get onto the toilet, his shorts which were on the floor in front of him and the floor…all the way to the door!!!! How?? Haha!!

Ok, so it’s pretty funny, but now he seems to have a little fear that this is going to keep happening so he insists on running outside to pee on the grass. All is good with this new found habit, but fast forward to today…Saturday, 27th July 2019…he runs out the back door as usual, drops his shorts, aims high and the next thing he shouts ‘KAKA!!’ This word if you don’t know what it means (a French thing) means POOP!! I immediately think that he’s going to run back inside to the toilet, just as he’s done before…but no!

I leg it outside and arrive at the exact moment to see a nice log dropping to the ground, with more still coming out! I start panicking because…Gross!! And he starts panicking because it’s still coming out! So I bolt into the kitchen, tear off a piece of kitchen towel, run back, scoop up the poop and tell him to freeze while I run to the toilet, soft & warm poop in hand and throw it into the toilet!! The ‘kaka’ is now on my finger and my son still ‘frozen’ outside with poop all over his shorts and bum!

So grab the wet wipes, order him to ‘unfreeze’ and get to the bathroom so I can clean him up and get this shit situation, which is on my hand, his shorts and the ground outside, cleaned up.

Crisis eventually taken care of and we start laughing about what just happened. But it didn’t end without a stern (still laughing) warning that next time he feels a poop coming on, he should rather use the toilet to avoid this unfortunate situation from happening again! So let’s see what tomorrow brings and I’ll be here waiting for all and any advice on what to do for the aiming issue…

Who ever said being a parent was boring…??

I’m a boy mom and it comes with the territory, but I love every second of being with this little cutie! Picture inserted for cuteness!!

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